नेपाल आर्थिक सम्मेलन सम्पन्न, ९ बुँदे घोषणापत्र जारी (पूर्ण विवरण )
Nepal Economic Summit 2014
Declaration – a commitment
to Economic Reform
Upholding the values of a democratic nation dedicated to the
creation of inclusive and broad based economic growth,
Recognizing the need for creating an economic system that
enables the private sector to grow and create wealth,
Sharing the common vision of graduating from ‘Least Developed
Country’ status by 2022, of enabling economic growth to create better
opportunities for employment in Nepal,
We, the representatives of, Government of Nepal, private
sector, development partners and civil society have joined hands and
deliberated on Nepal’s Economic Reform Agenda on 24th, 25th
and 26th of February, 2014.
Learning from the experiences shared by panel of
international experts on economic reform conducted by various countries around
the globe,
Adhering to the principles of creating a level playing field
for market participants,
Distinguishing agriculture, tourism and energy as the
priority sectors for Nepal’s Economic Reform, hereby declare that,
We will work together to realize the following overall and
sectoral reforms in 2014:
Overall Reform Agenda
1. In order to
create a shared vision and create an environment of policy stability that is
crucial for attracting investment, we propose to get this declaration be a
basis for ‘minimum common economic agenda’ of Nepal.
2. In order to
improve the overall investment environment, we will prioritize entry/exit
procedural reforms and eliminate regulatory processes that add to the cost of
doing business and do not add value to the regulatory information gathering
process specifically in the sectors of agriculture, tourism and energy.
3. In order to
create at least 50,000 additional jobs by the private sector in the areas related
to agriculture, energy and tourism of Nepal by 2015 and gather capital for
large scale projects in agriculture, energy and tourism, we will identify and
work with local and global investors to execute at least 4 different large
scale projects in each sector.
4. In order to
accelerate the process of reforms, we will work to table draft legislations related
to the economy including Energy, Agriculture and Tourism at the legislature and
work on getting them passed with required adjustments and updates. We will work
on adopting the Energy Development Strategy, Tourism Development Strategy and
Agriculture Development Strategy within the next six months with appropriate
action plans for respective stakeholder agencies.
5. In order to
bring in the second generation reforms that will enable private sector led
growth, we will create a high level mechanism including members from the civil
service and the private sector to identify regulatory burdens and propose
solutions such that we can move up 10 places in the ‘Doing Business Rank’ by
2016. The report will be produced by the end of 2014 and we will work on the
reforms proposed by such mechanism for the next two years to achieve our goal
by 2016. Inter-agency coordination between various government agencies will be
crucial for these reforms. Therefore, in order to carry forward the
recommendations made by the High Level Committee, an Implementation Monitoring Committee
comprised of the Secretaries of the concerned Ministries will be formed under
the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary of the Government of Nepal.
6. In order to
strengthen public institutions, improve the service delivery and facilitate the
businesses institutional reforms will be started immediately.
Sectoral Reform Agenda
Agriculture reform agenda
7. In order to
facilitate economies of scale and thereby providing incentive for private
sector participation and ensuring food and nutrition security in the country by
increasing production and productivity, we will review the existing land
management systems and bring about regulatory framework that allows for
contract farming and effective utilization of land. In terms of using land
effectively, priority will be given to projects that adopt a value chain
approach and help reach out a wide network of beneficiaries in the form of
small farmers.
8. In order to
facilitate the commercialization of agriculture, we will assess existing policies
and programs on their effectiveness in terms of costs and reach to the targeted
beneficiaries. In doing so, we will work on improving mechanisms such that they
do not distort the market dynamics but create a level playing field. One such
measure of increasing effectiveness may be voucher schemes that target end
recipients while creating a space for private sector participation. High
priority will be given to review of programs, policies and regulatory framework
in agricultural inputs and produce market.
9. In order to
encourage private sector investment in agriculture, we will work for increasing
public spending in agricultural infrastructure development including but not
limited to irrigation, agriculture roads, warehouse and storage facilities,
local market centers and research and extension targeted to commercial
agriculture. While developing these infrastructures, priority will be given to
public private partnership. Public spending in research of commercial agriculture
will be increased and private sector participation in extension services for
commercial agriculture will be facilitated. Specific expenditure on agriculture
infrastructure, research and extension for commercial agriculture will be made
public in the upcoming budgets.
10. In order to
develop human resource capacity needed for commercialized agriculture, we will
work on increasing public spending and enabling private sector investment in
technical, vocational and academic education related to the demands of a
commercialized agriculture market. These will translate to specific short term
and long term training programs, additional educational institutions providing
agricultural studies in their curricula and a review and adjustment of the
existing agriculture curricula to meet the future demands of a commercialized
agriculture sector. To this end, we will work on adding adequate additional
technically trained human resource through public spending targeting youth. We
will encourage more institutions to run agricultural courses in the days ahead.
11. In order to
increase investment of private sector in commercial agriculture, we will work
on developing and implementing incentive mechanism for high value products
where Nepal can have a competitive advantage.
Energy reform agenda
12. In order to
resolve the immediate gap of electricity demand and supply and encourage efficient
use of energy, demand side management will be given priority. Following Nepal’s
commitment to climate change conventions, specific incentive and packages will
be developed and offered to industries that practice energy efficient processes
and technology including industries that practice cogeneration. We will
introduce these incentive packages in the upcoming budget of fiscal year
13. In order to
encourage innovation in energy supply and increase in private sector
participation in this sector, we will work on setting up an independent power
trading company. The independent power trading company will provide a platform
for trading energy between individual consumers and suppliers thereby reducing
the fiscal burden of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA). This kind of power
trading company will require open access to existing transmission lines.
Therefore, we will work on introducing ‘open access’ on existing transmission
lines to the extent possible with a ‘wheeling charge’ to use these facilities.
In addition, we will work on expanding transmission lines internally to help connect
projects that are in the pipeline. All forms of energy suppliers including
hydropower and solar power will be invited to participate in this power trading
arrangement. This will also increase grid connectivity and contribution to
national power structure by renewable sources such as solar energy. Construction
of cross border transmission lines and framework for cross border power trade will
also be accorded due priority to help increased exchange of power between Nepal
and India.
14. We will
expedite the passage of electricity related legislations in the legislature
while incorporating the suggestions from concerned stakeholders that will
provide conducive regulatory framework for the private sector to invest in the
15. In order to
increase private sector participation in efficient biomass energy production,
existing incentive schemes will be revised to make them technology neutral. Incentive
schemes will target end users while facilitating innovation in technology
development of plants such as biogas plants and improved cooking stoves. This
will help diversify current reliance on traditional sources of firewood and
animal dung to sustainable sources such as biogas.
Tourism reform agenda
16. In order to
increase private sector investment in tourism, we will work towards developing
both tourism infrastructures where our performance lags behind significantly at
the moment. We will specifically focus on up-gradation of Tribhuwan
International Airport, construction of regional airports in Lumbini, Nijgadh
and Pokhara. For the airport construction and operation, we will invite private
sector participation by adopting the public private partnership model. These
airports construction will be announced in the upcoming budget and private
sector will be invited through open bids to participate in their construction
and management. We will work on inviting the private sector through open bids
for better management of services at Tribhuwan International Airport.
17. As air
safety has become a major issue in the tourism sector, we will work on
improving air safety through regulations and upgrading infrastructural
facilities at existing airports. Specific programs on air safety will also be
announced in the upcoming budget.
18. In order to
promote conservation and expand tourism products with private sector
involvement, we will work on developing a favorable framework for tourism
development that complements not only conservation and bio-diversity but also
allows us to earn revenue to make the conservation sustainable. This kind of
framework will define specific rules and regulations under which we can invite
private sector can participate in developing high value tourism products in the
conservation areas. In developing such kind of framework, learning from
experiences of countries that have already used this mechanism in tourism
promotion will be used.
19. In order to
increase our tourism receipts from the current 36 USD per capita to 60 USD per
capita through expansion of products and services, we will work on choosing
five strategic locations to develop them as tourist destinations by the end of
2016. In choosing these locations, we will work extensively on strategic
studies that assess the market viability of these locations. We will ensure the
inclusion of Lumbini, Janakpur, and three locations from far east and far west
region in these five locations. Given our proximity to India and China and the
increase in outbound tourists from these countries, we will target tourism
development to this particular market segment. We will then work on framing targeted
strategies for infrastructure development and market promotion of these
destinations.We will also ensure the inclusion of existing sites that are vying
for United Nations Heritage status in this expansion process and develop infrastructure
to facilitate the process of acquiring UN Heritage status. We will adopt a
value chain approach to the development of these destinations and ensure
community involvement to enlarge the beneficiary group that results from this
Reiterating our commitment to economic reforms in Nepal, we
hereby declare to institutionalize the Nepal Economic Summit as an annual event
to be jointly organized by, the Government of Nepal and Federation of Nepalese
Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI). The agenda set by the Summit will be
taken forward by the Government and the private sector through joint forums
like the Nepal Business Forum (NBF). We will also jointly
organize Nepal Business Conclave as a medium to promote investment in the
Nepalese economy.
Done on the
26th day of February of the year 2014 of the Gregorian calendar in
Kathmandu, Nepal.
म श्री एडम्स केविन, Aiico बीमा ऋण ऋण कम्पनी को एक प्रतिनिधि हुँ तपाईं व्यापार लागि व्यक्तिगत ऋण आवश्यक छ? तुरुन्तै आफ्नो ऋण स्थानान्तरण दस्तावेज संग अगाडी बढन adams.credi@gmail.com: हामी तपाईं इच्छुक हुनुहुन्छ भने यो इमेल मा हामीलाई सम्पर्क, 3% ब्याज दर मा ऋण दिन