Worlds Ten Most Biggest Armies of 2014

Top 10 Countries With Largest Armies in the world 2014 

Top 10 Countries with Worlds Largest Armies 2014
Every country is in the need to create their defence more stronger . Today if there is any largest Armies in the world then it might be the China , United States of America and India . These three countries improve their Budgets for the Army. Well in 2014 who will improve in the ranking of the Army factors lets wait watch . Check out the list of the Worlds Largest Armies .
1) China : Army Men Power : 2,285,000
most richest army in the worldIts China the leading side in the army power today they are on the top of the Population list but in the better factors . They are one of the strongest countries in the trade , business and other things . Their army is the worlds largest from now on .
2) United States of America : Army Men Power : 1,429,995 
most powerful 2014There are many big countries in the world and one of the USA , they are 2nd with worlds largest Army ranking , they have some top fighting men powers and forces . Recently they interfered in the countries like Afghanistan , Iraq , Vietnam to use their troops power. But still the country feel unsafe from the threats from Militants .
3) India : Army Men Power : 1,325,000 
most pwoerful army in the worldIf there is any country who is going to improve their ranking in the Army power that will be India a highly populated country but facing crisis problems and they most number of peoples are poor . Today India become one of the safe country but there are many alleged scandals are coming from the army status “about women Harrsment” .
4) DPR Korea : Army Men Power : 1,106,000
top armies in the worldWell they are a strengthen country with the power of military forces . Korea is another leading country with largest army scale in Asia region .
5) Russia : Army Men Power : 1,040,000
best army of 2014Russia is the worlds most powerful army after Soviet Union war in Afghanistan they have developed their armed forces well and managed the country well from different threats and militants .
6) Republic of Korea : Army Men Power : 687,000
most powerful army 2014Republic of Korea the leading force of the world , they have been ready for any kind of war , Republic of Korea has built a great and unfear army for any kind of situation .
7) Turkey : Army Men Power : 664,060
best army in the world 2014Turkey has faced allot of problems due to their army in the previous times , but in last few 12 years they army they have built and security they created to make their country safe has totally changed . Today they are 7th most largest and powerful army in the world .
8) Pakistan : Army Men Power : 617,000
top armies of the world 2014Pakistan is one of the Dangerous countries at the moment after getting threats from the Militants . But if we see their army production they may be in the top 5 armies of the world , because they have been acknowledge new peoples and young lads to army to make the country safe from enemies .
9) Iran : Army Men Power : 523,000
best army of 2014Another Asian country with top rated Army and one of the most powerful one they are totally unfear full from the threats and allegation that can be settled on them .Iran has got a huge and top army .
10) Egypt: Army Men Power : 468,500
2014 armies in the worldEgypt will be the next biggest army in the world , they ranked at the 10th position . Where all Asian dominance in the army list there is one African Country included that is Egypt . Egypt has a top quality reinforcements.

Military spending: Balance tipping towards China

Chinese paramilitary soldiers train outside their barracks in Beijing on 19 March 2012China now spends more than neighbouring Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam combined

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It is tempting to see statistics for overall defence spending as providing an image of sorts of the ranking of the major military players around the world.
So this year's edition of the annual reference book - The Military Balance - published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) will be eagerly scrutinised to see who is up and who is down, and what this might mean for the global balance of power.
The United States remains by far the world's largest military player spending $600bn (£370bn; 440bn euros) on defence in 2013.
China, the next most highly ranked player, spent some $112bn in the same period, though there are complex debates about how far Beijing's figures encompass all of its defence-related spending.
One striking fact is that Britain has fallen from third place to fifth, behind Russia and Saudi Arabia. This is a reflection of both the Russians' and Saudis' efforts to modernise their military machines while British defence expenditure is falling.
Broad trends
But caution is needed here. The IISS itself accepts that factors like exchange rates can muddy the picture.
Graphic: Top 15 military spenders in 2013
It says that while it is true that the UK has been cutting its defence spending levels, this fall to fifth place is partly due to exchange rate effects: if sterling-dollar exchange rates from last week were applied to UK defence spending levels instead, these would rise from $57bn to $61.1bn in US dollar terms, above Saudi Arabia and into fourth place.
Even without the exchange-rate effect, IISS analyst Giri Rajendran notes, the fall in the UK's ranking is not nearly as significant as it might first appear.
When the UK was third, in 2012, it was only spending about 1.5% more than Russia in US dollar terms, meaning that a relatively minor currency depreciation or decline in spending levels would produce a fall in its ranking.
Only last month, British Prime Minister David Cameron was championing Britain's defence budget as still the fourth largest in the world, so maybe he was right after all.
But spending alone is a crude indicator of military capability.
What does money actually buy you? How much funding, for example, goes on salaries and the housing of large conscript armies? What about a country's willingness to use force?
All of these factors cannot readily be encompassed in the stark numbers of a military balance.
Broad trends, though, can be identified and this year's Military Balance shows the continuing growth of China's military machine.
And China's rise is driving defence expenditure elsewhere in the region. Defence spending in Asia is up by 23% since 2010.
China has ambitions to become a major maritime power. China now spends about three times as much as India on defence and more than neighbouring Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam combined.
Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force escort ships taking part in a fleet review off Sagami Bay, near Tokyo in October 2012 Japan announced last year it was increasing its defence spending, investing in a new marine unit
In the Middle East, defence spending is also going up significantly, with Libya trying to reconstruct its security forces, Iraq re-equipping and some significant expenditure by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States.
They are alarmed particularly by Iran's potential nuclear programme and especially by its missile forces.
Missile defence is a key priority for Gulf states. Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have all bought or are buying Western missile- and air-defence and strike systems , including stand-off air-launched munitions.
The IISS notes that one of the key factors facing the Gulf States is how to improve defence co-ordination between them.
Overall, though, the Military Balance shows the continuing shift in global military power away from the West - especially from Europe where real defence spending fell in 2013 in 57% of countries - towards Asia.
Asian countries are increasingly buying capabilities that were previously owned only by Russia and Nato countries.
But spending alone is not everything. Britain and France remain, for example, the only players with real expeditionary capabilities after the United States. European capabilities are, though, declining in real terms and much will depend upon the economic future if this trend is to be halted.
Much of the discussion at the IISS press conference focused on when China might rival the US in defence expenditure.
The mid- to late-2030s was one suggested answer. But this obscures a more fundamental reality.
The US is a superpower with global ambitions. On present evidence, China's ambitions are more limited.
It wants to be the major player in its own strategic backyard, and to contain US forces there might potentially only require a more limited outlay.
And China's military build-up - its goal of denying access to areas it sees as its strategic approaches - is tailored specifically to do this.


  1. China's increasing power is not for world is a menace for world serenity!!!! INSANE MENTALITY!!!!


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