
Showing posts from August, 2020

Speeches by dignitaries on ‘Countering Anti-national Entities’ and ‘Surajya Abhiyaan’ (Campaign to Usher Good Governance) at the Hindu Rashtra Convention !

  Land Jihad being carried out by Waqf Board by usurping lakhs of acres of land, much more dangerous than Love Jihad; Hindus need to fight this ! – Adv. Hari Shankar Jain, Supreme Court               Name of the district - In 2013, the then Congress government made amendments in the Waqf Board law thereby giving Muslims infinite rights. This amendment gave the Waqf Board the power to declare any piece of land as theirs, not limited to the land belonging to temples and trusts. As such, currently, the Waqf Board owns a whopping 6 lakh acres of land - the largest, only after India’s Defence Forces and Indian Railways. In reality, the Waqf Board was never in possession of such obscene amount of land; however, owing to the lack of knowledge and indifferent nature of Hindus pertaining to this law, the Waqf Board is literally running amok usurping lakhs of acres of land across the country. The Land Jihad being perpetrated by the Board is far more dangerous than Love Jihad. Hindus should u

राष्ट्रविरोधी प्रवृत्तियों का विरोध एवं ‘सुराज्य अभियान’ विषयों पर ‘हिन्दू राष्ट्र अधिवेशन’ में मान्यवरों के भाषण !

लाखों एकड भूमि लूटनेवाले वक्फ बोर्ड का ‘लैण्ड जिहाद’ ‘लव जिहाद’ से भी भयंकर;  हिन्दुआें को इसके विरुद्ध  लडने  की आवश्यकता !  -  अधिवक्ता हरि शंकर जैन, सर्वोच्च न्यायालय वर्ष  2013  में तत्कालीन कांग्रेस सरकार ने वक्फ बोर्ड के कानून में सुधार कर मुसलमानों को असीमित अधिकार दिए । इस सुधारित कानून के कारण किसी भी ट्रस्ट अथवा मंदिर की संपत्ति ही नहीं ;  कोई भी संपत्ति वक्फ बोर्ड की संपत्ति है ,  ऐसा घोषित करने का पाश्‍विक अधिकार बोर्ड को मिला । इस कारण आज भारत शासन के सुरक्षा दल और रेलवे विभाग के उपरांत सर्वाधिक  (6  लाख एकड )  भूमि का मालिक वक्फ बोर्ड है । मूलतः वक्फ के पास इतनी भूमि कभी भी नहीं थी ;  परंतु इस कानून के प्रति हिन्दुआें की अज्ञानता तथा उदासीनता के कारण वक्फ बोर्ड ने पूरे देश की लाखों एकड भूमि लूटने का नंगानाच चालू कर दिया है । बोर्ड का यह ‘लैंड जिहाद’ ‘लव जिहाद’ से भी भयंकर है । इसके विरुद्ध हिन्दू संगठित होकर कानूनी संघर्ष करें ,  ऐसा आवाहन सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के अधिवक्ता तथा ‘हिन्दू फ्रंट फॉर जस्टिस’ के अध्यक्ष पू .  हरि शंकर जैन जी ने किया । वे हिन्दू जनजागृति समिति आयोजित

Land Jihad being carried out by Waqf Board by usurping lakhs of acres of land, much more dangerous than Love Jihad; Hindus need to fight this! – Adv. Hari Shankar Jain, Supreme Court

  Land Jihad being carried out by Waqf Board by usurping lakhs of acres of land, much more dangerous than Love Jihad; Hindus need to fight this!  –  Adv. Hari Shankar Jain, Supreme Court In 2013, the then Congress government made amendments in the Waqf Board law thereby giving Muslims infinite rights. This amendment gave the Waqf Board the power to declare any piece of land as theirs, not limited to the land belonging to temples and trusts. As such, currently, the Waqf Board owns a whopping 6 lakh acres of land - the largest, only after India’s Defence Forces and Indian Railways. In reality, the Waqf Board was never in possession of such obscene amount of land; however, owing to the lack of knowledge and indifferent nature of Hindus pertaining to this law, the Waqf Board is literally running amok usurping lakhs of acres of land across the country. The Land Jihad being perpetrated by the Board is far more dangerous than Love Jihad. Hindus should unite and fight this battle legally – Adv