King of Nepal offered asylum to Indra Gandhi and her family, Indra Gandi rejected this offer after discussion with Kao who told her that PM Morarji Desai would not harm Nehru family.
What was the motive behind writing the book “Mission
R&AW” ?
First, the main reason behind writing this book was
the hidden inspiration which I have taken from Mr. Rmamesh Nath Kao (R.N Kao)
founder and first Secretary of RAW. I have maintained cordial relations with
Mr. RN Kao. One chapter of the book has been taken from his briefings. Mr. Kao
has conducted a high profile investigation of air crash (sabotage) of aircraft named
“Kashmir Princess”. At that time, Mr Kao was a junior officer and he along with
high level American and British intelligence carried very professional investigation.
The second reason is that Intelligence is a hidden
community and I have tried to present our senior officers services, contribution
and sacrifices for the country to the present and future generations. I wanted to
leave an authentic and historical document in shape of a book. I have
documented the successes and failures of the organization between 1947 to 2004
through this book.
Don’t you think that you have violated the code of
conduct of intelligence?
Your question is valid but I have not committed any
exposure in detail e.g, while
discussing on role of RAW during war of 1971, I have not minutely taken on number
of operations which were launched during 1971 war by RAW. However, I have given
a broader picture of RAW’s role in Separation of East Pakistan.
Similarly, merger of Sikkim with India was a “top
secret operation” in which only three RAW officers were involved even RAW Number
Two was entirely ignorant about it. Mr Kao closely guarded this top secret
operation and an area of 2500 sq. km has been included in Indian boundaries. Some
facts of the operation have been disclosed in detail because without mentioning
these facts it would not be comprehensible.
An allegation was raised by Indian Army that during
war of 1965 with Pakistan, intelligence was not up to the mark. Mr Sankhan
Naryan, RAW Number 2 who at that time was incharge of Pakistan Desk in IB
informed during an interview that he had forwarded 65 reports prior to Indo –
Pakistan war of 1965 to MOD and whether these were utilized or not was none of
his concern. In the book I have countered these allegations of Indian military
officers regarding lack of intelligence during 1965 war. Similarly there were
allegations of intelligence failure in Indo – China war of 1962. After the war
there was a Committee; “Henderson Brook Committee”, formed to examine alleged failure
of Indian intelligence. The report remained secret and not disclosed by the
government. Interestingly the said Committee neither called the IB Chief for
questioning nor held him responsible for intelligence failure, means that (IB)
has been given clean chit. I have also highlighted this in my book. It has
become a myth in India that some retired Army officers and journalists
continuously write articles on the failure of Indian intelligence in wars of
1962 and 1965. However, there was no intelligence void during these two wars.
When China took over Tibet in 1962 then a threat
was felt that China may advance to Indian territory while it has already taken
over Askai Chin. A number of Indian intelligence personnel lost their lives on
Indo – China border while establishing Ops without any support of the Army. I
have also highlighted such sacrifices of intelligence which henceforth had no
I have also written one chapter regarding Kashmir
in which it is mentioned that Sheikh Abdullah was initially pro Indian but
later became anti Indian. Nehru kept him in jail for 10 years. Nehru instructed
Sheikh Abdullah to visit Pakistan and make a comparative judgment of Muslims
living on both sides. This way Nehru tried to bring Sheikh Abdullah in main
What was the year of your joining RAW and what was its
strength then?
RAW was established in 1968 while I have joined it
in 1973 and its strength was around 5000 when I joined it. At that time India had
won Bangladesh war of 1971 and RAW was expending quite fast.
My first posting was in Rajasthan and my AOR was
Rajasthan and Gujarat. By stationing in Rajasthan RAW HQ, I was covering
In your book you have written about Sikkim merger,
Himalayan region and Terai of Nepal’s possible integration into India. Could
you describe in detail ?
Mr. RN Kao once told me that he was thinking about
Terrai’s merger with India. This was his plan and not Indra Gandi’s. Mr Kao was
monitoring King of Nepal and the King was turning pro China. Mr. Kao mentioned
that when he got free from Sikkim’s merger in June 1975 then Indra Gandhi
promulgated Emergency in the country, which prolonged for 20 months. During
emergency period internal problems of India increased so much that intelligence
was put on back burner. The RAW policies regarding other countries or vision of
Kao could not be implemented.
Mr. Kao was a perfect nationalist and he used to
watch in enemy’s territory. His vision was beyond India’s borders. Once he
mentioned that he is interested to launch “Jeay Sind movement / Sindhudesh in
province of Sindh to dismember it from Pakistan. This was his plan as RAW
Chief, but such kind of sensitive plans need time for execution.
When emergency was lifted in March 1977 and
elections were conducted, resultantly PM Indra Gandhi met with defeat and Morarji
Desai became the Prime Minister of India and he sent Mr. Kao on leave.
PM Morarji
Desai reduced the strength of RAW which created discontent and resentment in
RAW establishment. PM Morarji was wrongly of the view that RAW was responsible for
atrocities on politicians on instructions of Indra Gandhi.
PM Indira Gandhi discussed
her mission with her Principal Secretary and Adviser PN Dhar regarding integration
of Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal, Kashmir (Himalayam Range)” to guarantee Indian
security . What do you say ?
I am ignorant about this mission. As far as Sikkim’s
merger is concerned it has been executed because of Mr. Chogyal Palden, last
ruler of independent of Sikkim, who got married with an American lady which led
to American interests and presence in Sikkim. This was considered as a security
risk for India.
As far as Bhutan is concerned its defence falls in
the responsibility of India. If China
attacks on Bhutan, Indian forces would come out for its defence.
Merger of Terrai potion of Nepal was future plan of
Mr. Kao / RAW and PM Indra Gandhi was not in picture.
But anyhow, Indian has serious concerns on
Himalayan border!
The security concerns are not as serious as it was
in past because India has consolidated itself. Now we have an occupation from
Tezpur to Siachin (Tezpur, AP, Leh Ladakh and Siachin) and there is no need to
worry now.
India is a parallel nuclear power as compared to
China and sporadic incidents of border tension between the two countries are
routine matter. The Indo - China soldiers come in front of each other off and
on during tension but don’t exchange fire. In case of India – Pakistan,
exchange of fire is a regular feature.
Would you like to shed light on the operations
dismissed by PM Morarji Desai run by Mr. Kao and RAW ?
Mr Morarji Desai stopped two to three very vital
operations that were going on which impacted our security interests. Morarji
Desai was a stubborn kind of personality and he would ensure the
implementations of his given orders without caring of results on national
Mr. Kao was running some high profile operations in
Pakistan at that time and PM Desai ordered Rao’s successor, Mr. Sankaran Nair to
stop these operations. Mr. Sankaran Nair informed PM Desai that abortion of
these operations would heavily cost India as huge investments have been made.
He also informed that if we stop these operations it would have a demoralizing
effect on those intelligence operators who have prepared the assets after years
of hard work. Above all it would cause irreparable damage to Indian interests.
We lost some of our very important assets on Bangladesh border.
PM Desai ordered massive cuts to the agency’s
budget and operation which created problems of payments for agents who were
working in Sikkim, Bangladesh and Pakistan. This had a very demoralizing effect
for all of us.
Merger of Sikkim was a successful operation of RAW
then why payments to agents/sources were not made ?
Actually after imposing emergency some payments
were not made to the agents. Infect Sikkim merged with India in May 1975, while
emergency was imposed in June 1975 and it was lifted in 1977. India was
surrounded by internal problems and all operations were stopped due to shortage
of finance.
Morarji Desai kept a grudge against RAW. He was
arrested on 26 June 1975 and released in 10 March 1977 by Congress government. During
his arrest, Desai was tortured and kept in different prisons. Desai thought that
RAW was responsible for this. Resultantly after becoming Prime Minister, Desai
stopped all operations including in Pakistan.
Would you please elaborate the nature of operations
which were launched against Pakistan?
Some important operations were being run in Sindh
Province and we have some agents and sympathizers in Sindh to whom we were supporting.
MQM is a powerful party in Karachi, Sindh and BBC
imposed allegations that RAW is funding MQM which is not true.
It has become a blame game in Pakistan that if
someone go to England in exile from Pakistan is declared as an RAW agent and
being funded by agency.
Benazair Bhutto and Musharaf both remained in exile
in England and Nawaz Shraif in Saudi Arabia, does it means that they were
funded by RAW.
Political leaders of Pakistan go in exile due to
adverse political situation in the country. It is Pakistan’s weakness that she
calls every political leader a RAW agent who is in exile. No political leader
from India remained in exile due to stable political situation.
The main reason is that the political system of
Pakistan is not well established and true democracy is not being practiced.
Army and ISI are in full power and at the helm of affairs.
Please shed some more light on Mr. Kao’s dream of
integration of Terrai with India.
I discussed with Mr. Kao regarding Terrai and I
said Nepal is an independent sovereign state and buffer zone between China and
India. China would never capture Nepal with the intention that she would attack
India from Nepal. For that China has Leh, Laddakh border. Mr Kao had conceived
that plan as King was becoming pro China.
The terrain and population of Terrai are very
similar to India and people of Indian Bihar and UP deeply linked through inter
Infect King Brindra had became pro China and anti
India at that particular time. A high way named Kodari high way (Khasa / Kodari
to Kathmandu) project was signed between two countries.
Actually China believes in policy of expansionism
not India. Tibet was not part of China, historically Tibet ruled on some parts
of China with the help of Mongolia. There were internal and outer China in the
past and Tibet even ruled over internal China.
China is founder of hegemonic concept and after
Communist revolution, China occupied Tibet and started killing / torture peace
loving Tibetans. So China is initiator of expansionist policy in the region not
During occupation of China on Tibet, Indian
security apparatus felt security threat of Chinese advance on Indian territory.
What do you say about it?
We have border dispute with China today. China is
occupant on South Tibet and Khampas area (Arunachal Pradesh) while problems
regarding Leh Ladakh also prevails.
China was initial signatory to Mc Mohan Line which
is dividing line between India and Tibet. China’s Political Agent who at that
time was seated in Lasha was signatory, Tibet Government was signatory and British
who were ruling India were signatory of Mc Mohan Line. But when it was to be
tabled in parliament for ratification then China backed out.
China showed smartness and accepted Mc Mohan Line
until it was weak but when it become stronger then she rejected Mc Mohan Line.
The time is not far when China would be
disintegrated. Tibetans are awaiting for their independence.
China is united and integrated due to PLA but
discontentment and resentment is prevailing in Chinese society.
US and Japan are following the policies to make China
After Modi became PM the relations between China
and India have improved on papers. When Chinese President visited India then PM
Modi received him at Ahmedabad and when PM Modi visited China he was shown
courtesy and given unprecedented protocol. However, if you see in Atlantic Japan,
Cambodia, Australia, Vietnam and New Zeeland all are anti China.
In the war of Islands in South China Sea, China is
unable to show courage to attack on Japan because all world forums are anti
China except North Korea.
Does RN Kao’s Terai policy still exists on RAW
agenda ?
It is propagated in Nepal against my book that
India wanted to include Terai region into India, it was Kao’s baby (RAW future
planning) but latter the situation does not favour Kao to implement his plans (Mr.
Yadav requested me to clarify misunderstandings about his book in Nepal).
What do you know about the asylum offer made by
King Brindra to Indra Gandi after losing election in 1977?
Yes I know King of Nepal offered asylum to Indra
Gandhi and her family, Indra Gandi rejected this offer after discussion with
Kao who told her that PM Morarji Desai would not harm Nehru family.
It is believed in Nepal that there is main role of
India in toppling Monarchy from Nepal and to bring a pro Indian government.
I think monarchy remained more favourable for India
except for some time. After departure of Monarchy many anti Indians have entered
Nepal’s political scene. Communists / Maoist are anti Indian. Prachanda is more
towards China and less towards India. With the downfall of Monarchy, India has
suffered as Monarchy was never openly against India. Monarchy was favorable towards
India and in so called democracy there are some elements which all totally
against India.
Hopefully, future government in Nepal would not
only be Nepal friendly but also neighbor friendly.
When last year our PM (Modi) visited Nepal then he
desired during his parliament address to make constitution as early as possible
to serve the people of Nepal.
India only wants prosperous Nepal. In the recent
earthquake our air craft’s reached within four hours in Kathmandu with relief
material. Hindustan considers Nepal as its younger brother.
What do you know about the political asylum offered
by Indian Government to last King, Gyandra?
I don’t think there was any such plan as in case of
Nepal, Communists were not arresting the King. Elected government don’t take
such kind of extreme actions.
Political asylum is required when Army take over as
is the case in Pakistan where Army take over government from civilian rulers.
The King of Nepal has relatives in India he can come
and stay here any time. And he is also struggling to become active in politics
of Nepal.
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